Return FastPay : Your most convenient choice in prepaid cards!

Online payment, payment via TPE, withdrawal at BANK OF AFRICA counters, personalization of your PIN code: by choosing the BANK OF AFRICA FastPay card, you benefit from all the advantages of prepaid cards ... and even more!
Available without a bank account and without obligation, the FastPay is also 100% anonymous and transferable: you can make it available to the person of your choice, or use it yourself without having to present proof of identity.
You can use the BANK OF AFRICA FastPay card and enjoy the flexibility of the most convenient prepaid card for all your needs:
- Your children's pocket money: Easier and more secure than cash, FastPay lets you make one-off transfers without having to travel. Train tickets or other transport, shopping, outings, online orders ... your children can pay for everything with their card and supporting documents!
- Your common monthly budget: For multi-income households, whether it's a couple, a family or a roommate, budgeting for common expenses can easily become a logistical headache. No more worries with our FastPay prepaid cards! Everyone can pay their contribution monthly, and the budget will be available for electronic payments via TPE, e-commerce, or even in cash by withdrawal at BANK OF AFRICA counters.!
- Family solidarity: to help or simply please your parents, there’s no need for them to go to a cash transfer agency. All you have to do is offer them a FastPay that you can top up regularly or occasionally. Likewise, if you are abroad: you can top up a relative's FastPay card remotely from your BANK OF AFRICA bank account, without having to travel!
- A budget for the unexpected: in addition to your checking account, it is always good to have a reserve for the unforeseen - a tire change or part for your car, a health emergency, an urgent plumbing or electricity repair at home, or simply a tight end of the month ... Plan for the unexpected with ease!
For more information on our FastPay prepaid cards, please contact our customer relationship center at 0801008100.