Overdraft: a suitable solution to rectify your cash flow discrepancies.

It is sometimes difficult to keep your cash flow balanced, despite the anticipation efforts deployed throughout the course of your activity. Whether it is due to unforeseen expenses or cash inflows that are slow to come, you can always have recourse to overdraft, to cover any expenses necessary for the healthy functioning of your business

The overdraft is a short-term credit operation, by which BANK OF AFRICA authorizes you to make your debit account (negative) within a certain amount limit and during a certain period, with an interest rate determined in advance. Our brand will take care of advancing you the necessary funds to settle the transactions that arise on your account when the balance is insufficient..

This overdraft option has several advantages including immediate activation once the agreement has been signed. Also, it is important to note that the cash advance granted by BANK OF AFRICA specifically meets the needs of your business, allowing you to benefit from a financing solution perfectly suited to your needs.

This solution finances your cash flow requirements over several months, the time required for your business to manage its expenses and replenish its budget. However, you can decide to suspend your overdraft authorization at any time. As for the remuneration related to this service, it is proportional to the duration of the authorized overdraft and to the amounts that will be granted to you.

For more information on obtaining an overdraft, do not hesitate to contact our customer relations center at 0801008100, where our advisers are available to guide you and answer all your questions.