Delay the settlement of tariffs related to your import-export business activity
To import or export goods for temporary use, BANK OF AFRICA provides you with the means to suspend the payment of duties and taxes owed to the Moroccan customs:
- The Temporary Import Guarantee allows you to suspend the settlement of duties and taxes owed to customs on certain products or equipments. These have to be re-exported in the same state within a deadline ranging from 6 months to 2 years
- The Temporary Export Guarantee allows you to get some products for personal use for those people who usually live in Morocco by suspending duties and taxes
- You avoid customs cash outflow in the framework of a temporary exhibition or participation in an international fair
- You benefit from flexible use in the implementation and a follow-up guaranteed by your BANK OF AFRICA advisor specialised in customs tariff
Exonerate your goods from tariffs with no constraints thanks to Temporary Imports and Exports.