Today, BANK OF AFRICA operates in 31 countries In Africa, Europe and Asia.
BOA was first founded in Mali in 1982. 35 years later, it has become one of the major Pan-African groups. BOA is now present in 4 regions of the Continent: in 8 countries of West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo and Ghana), 5 in East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Djibouti - Red Sea), 1 in Central Africa (DRC) and 1 in Southern Africa (Madagascar). Since 2010, BOA has been owned at 72.41% by BANK OF AFRICA, which provides it with significant strategic and operational support.
BANQUE DE DÉVELOPPEMENT DU MALI (BDM) is the leading Malian bank. It operates nearly 50 branches and 70 points of sale across the country. 2016 was marked by the launch of the insurance banking business. BANK OF AFRICA holds 32.4% of its shares.
LCB Bank is one of the leaders in credit distribution in Congo and the leading bank of the country in terms of branch network. BANK OF AFRICA has 37% of the shareholding. BMCE BANK INTERNATIONAL
BMCE BANK INTERNATIONAL (BBI PIc) is the Group's international investment and financing holding company. Based in Madrid, London and Paris, it offers international institutions and investors a wide spectrum of opportunities in Africa. BBI offers African companies financial expertise and larger access to international capital markets.
BMCE EUROSERVICES is the subsidiary of BANK OF AFRICA specializing in money transfer. It is dedicated to Moroccan and more broadly African migrants. Operating in Europe (Belgium, Spain, France, and the Netherlands) as well as in Canada, this subsidiary is 100% owned by BANK OF AFRICA.
The BANK OF AFRICA Group is the first Moroccan banking group to be established in China with the official inauguration in 2019 of BMCE Shanghai Branch. The new branch aims to become a benchmark player in financing foreign trade transactions between China and Africa while actively contributing to the promotion of Chinese investments in Africa.
The first year of operations shows promising results. At the end of this year, BMCE Shanghai Branch carried out financing worth $ 154 million for Chinese and African clients.