« Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act so-called FATCA, is applied to all the Moroccan financial institutions, our institution has made the preliminary diligences to be compliant with. In the light of this, we noted the presence of at least one of US indicia suggesting your status as an “US person” subject to declarations and formalities required by this law.
US indicia means:
1. First or second American citizenship or American residence (American ID, American passport, green card which allows you to reside permanently is US soil as an immigrant);
2. A U.S. place of birth;
3. A current U.S. residence or mailing address (including a U.S. PO box or “hold mail” address);
4. A current U.S. phone number;
5. A power of attorney given to a physical person with a U.S. residence or mailing address;
6. Standing instructions to pay amounts from a foreign (meaning non-U.S.) account to an account maintained in the United States;
Within this context and to respect these regulatory obligations, we are required to ask you to hand properly or by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to your branch oce, the documents listed below depending on your situation, by the deadline of the 15th june 2018:
1. If you confirm that you are an “US person” with a tax payer identification Number (TIN):
• A W9 form (www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf) duly completed, dated and signed;
2. If you confirm that you are not an “US Person”
• A W-8BEN form (www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw8ben.pdf) duly completed, dated and signed;
• A copy of your passport or your valid ID card delivered by a non-American authority ruling that you are not a US citizen or US resident;
3. Specific cases: if you are born in the United States and you are not an American citizen or if you lost or gave up your citizenship:
• A W-8BEN Form (www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw8ben.pdf) duly completed, dated and signed;
• A loss of nationality certificate
- A sworn statement ruling the reason why you don’t have such certificate while you didn’t give up your American citizenship or the reason why you weren’t granted the American citizenship at your birth.These documents are available at your branch oce and on downloading on our web site under the FATCA section. If you face up dificulties in filling out these forms, you can obtain additional information via:
- Our web site under the FATCA section : https://www.bmcebank.ma/fr/notre-groupe/notre-groupe/compliance-groupe/loi-fatca
- Our HOTLINE reachable at : 080 100 8100 (from Morocco) / 00 212 522 42 15 42 (from abroad)
- Our mail address: fatca@bmcebank.co.ma
The bank is required to report to the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) the information on accounts held by US persons. The bank will decide the conditions of treatment of customers who have not responded to this letter within the time limits, which may lead to suspend partly or fully service agreement oered by the bank.